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Wir danken Ihnen für Ihren Einkauf bei FARRY Boutique und hoffen, dass Ihnen unsere Produkte gefallen. Wenn Sie aus irgendeinem Grund mit dem Kauf oder Geschenk in der Farry Boutique nicht vollständig zufrieden sind, begrüßt Sie Farry bei eUmtausch oder Rückgabe für Guthaben im Geschäft.Wir bieten keine Barauszahlung an.
  • Artikel müssen innerhalb von 21 Kalendertagen nach Lieferdatum umgetauscht werden.
  • Umtausch nur gegen denselben Artikel in einer anderen Größe; es sei denn, der Stil oder die Größe sind ausverkauft. 
  • Der Umtausch ist einmal pro Artikel möglich.
  • Die Artikel müssen ungetragen, ungewaschen und im Originalzustand (einschließlich aller Papiere, Verpackungen und ggf. an der Ware angebrachter Zubehörteile) mit angebrachten Etiketten sein. 
  • Wenn beim ursprünglichen Kauf Werbeaktionen angewendet wurden, erfolgt der Umtausch auf die gleiche Weise. Aktuelle Werbeaktionen werden auf keinen der Umtauschartikel angewendet.
  • Der Umtausch ist auf Versandadressen in den USA beschränkt. Internationale Bestellungen sind FINAL SALE.
  • Bestellungen mitNachzahlungoder voll bezahlt mitE-Store-Guthabensind vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen.
  • Das Umtauschformular muss wie angegeben ausgefüllt werden, damit wir den richtigen Stil/die richtige Größe/Farbe erhalten und Ihren Umtausch so schnell wie möglich abschließen können, damit Sie Ihren Kauf genießen können. 
  • Der Kunde muss in der E-Mail und auf dem Austauschformular den Austausch angebenStilname,Farbe,GrößeundPreismüssen so geschrieben werden, wie es auf unserer Website angegeben ist. Bitte achten Sie darauf, alle Stilinformationen auszudrucken.
  • bitte beachten SieDie folgenden Punkte gelten als "Schlussverkauf" und kann nicht umgetauscht oder gegen eine Gutschrift zurückgegeben werden




Schwimmen & Dessous

Sale Items 

Wenden Sie sich zum Umtausch gegen eine andere Größe bitte an den  zu informieren und die Größe festzuhalten, mit der Sie tauschen möchten. Wenn wir sindausverkauftdes Stils oder der Größe für Ihren Umtausch können Sie einen Stil umtauschen, der den gleichen Betrag oder einen höheren Wert hat, dann wird der ursprüngliche Kauf entsprechend berechnet. Wenn wir den Kunden aus irgendeinem Grund nicht erreichen können, um den/die Umtauschartikel abzuschließen, wird automatisch eine E-Store-Gutschrift von Farry per E-Mail ausgestellt, die der Kunde für zukünftige Einkäufe verwenden kann. Wir warten jedoch 21 Werktage und werden es versuchen Senden Sie einige E-Mails, bevor wir eine E-Geschenkkarte per E-Mail ausstellen. 
Bitte füllen Sie das Umtauschformular aus, das Ihnen mit Ihrer Bestellung zugesandt wurde, und senden Sie das Formular mit den Artikeln für die Rücksendung zurück. Damit wir Ihren Umtauschauftrag korrekt erhalten, ist es sehr wichtig, dass der Kunde das Umtauschformular korrekt ausfüllt. 
Farry haftet nicht für Rücksendungen, die während des Transports verloren gehen oder gestohlen werden. Bitte bewahren Sie Ihren Versandnachweis und/oder Ihre Rücksendenummer auf, wenn Sie Ihre Rücksendung zurücksenden.Wir bieten KOSTENLOSEN VERSAND mit dem Gutscheincode 'FREESHIP' an. Wir bieten keine kostenlosen Rücksendeetiketten an. Sie tragen die Versandkosten für die Rücksendung Ihrer Artikel. 





  • Alle Rückgaben von Artikeln zum regulären Preis werden über eine Gutschrift erstattet.

  • Artikel müssen innerhalb von 21 Kalendertagen nach dem Lieferdatum zurückgegeben werden.

  • Die Artikel müssen ungetragen, ungewaschen und im Originalzustand (einschließlich aller Papiere, Verpackungen und ggf. an der Ware angebrachter Zubehörteile) mit angebrachten Etiketten sein. 

  • Der Umtausch ist auf Versandadressen in den USA beschränkt. Internationale Bestellungen sind FINAL SALE.

  • Bestellungen mitNachzahlungoder voll bezahlt mitE-Store-Guthabensind vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen.

  • Bitte erlauben Sie uns 2 Werktage, um Ihre Rücksendung zu bearbeiten, sobald der Rücksendeauftrag eingegangen ist.

  • Store Credit wird nicht an dem Tag verarbeitet, an dem Ihr Artikel geliefert wird. Es muss sortiert, geprüft und verarbeitet werden.

  • Erwarten Sie eine E-Geschenkkarte per E-Mail, nachdem Ihre Rücksendung akzeptiert wurde, was möglicherweise 2-3 Werktage nach der Zustellung Ihrer Rücksendung in unserem Fulfillment-Center ist.

  • Store-Guthaben wird automatisch berechnet, um alle Rabatte und Steuern zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs widerzuspiegeln. 

  • bitte beachten SieDie folgenden Artikel gelten als "Endverkauf" und können nicht umgetauscht oder gegen eine Gutschrift zurückgegeben werden




 Schwimmen & Dessous

   Sale Items 

Wenn Sie Fragen oder Bedenken haben, können Sie uns gerne anrufen unter 405 906 3460 Mo-Sa 10:00-19:00 Zentralzeit ODER E-Mail an 




EDMOND, OK 73012



Where is Farry Boutique located?

Our store is located in Downtown Oklahoma City Oklahoma. 

How do you pronounce the store name?

It's pronounced Far-Re

What brand do you carry?

Farry Boutique carries variety of different brands. We do not disclose who is our merchant. We modify many of our styles to keep it exclusive only to our boutique. All of our styles are labeled our own brand.


How does your sizing runs? International size or USA size?

Our Styles runs USA sizing. To help you find the right size please follow our sizing guide.

Is your customer service line automated?

Absolutely not! When you click 'chat with a stylist' you are chatting with one of the finest members of Farry Boutique's team. They are quick to answer to your question. 

How do i talk to the brand owner Farry?

Tiktok would be the greatest way to directly talk to her, most times she is the one replying to the comments or you can call our store and ask for Farry. 

What happens if a style is Out Of Stock and i want that style?

Farry Boutique carries Limited Quantity of every styles. To maintain our brand exclusivity most of our styles are carried only one time and we do not reorder the same style twice, however a style can be reordered only one more time by client's demand. We strongly suggest that you click ' Notify me when the style is back in stock" so we can decide if we should reorder the style. If its solid day to day lifestyles, then we do keep them in stock all year long.

Why don't you guys carry every style in Plus sizes?

We try our best to carry plus sizes on most styles, unfortunately not all styles are available in plus sizes for us to carry.


Do you offer expedited shipping?
Our fastest option is Express Shipping (2-4 business days).

Are your shipping times guaranteed?
When you add an item to your cart, you’ll be asked to choose a shipping speed, after that, we ship according to your shipping option choice.

Do you offer free shipping?
Of course, we do! Free Standard shipping on orders over $100 within USA on all orders with code FREESHIP at checkout 7-8 business days. Without code standard shipping cost is a flat fee of $12. Free Standard shipping to Canada on orders over $300 on all orders with code FREESHIPCANADA at checkout 8-15 business days. Without code standard shipping cost is a flat fee of $12. 

What Happens if I forget to apply the Free Shipping Coupon Code at checkout?

Unfortunately, we cannot do anything once transaction has been completed. 

Why don't you offer free return label?

While we offer Free Shipping on orders over $100 with code Freeship, also offer Free Shipping on exchange shipping cost however, as of now our small business is unable to offer free return label. The cost is too high to offer Free Shipping+ Free return Shipping label+ Free Exchange Shipping cost. We are working very hard to reach where we can offer Free Return Label. With your continuous support towards our small business, we will get there soon!


Do I get tracking info? Where can I find it?
Once your order ships, we’ll send you a shipment confirmation email that includes tracking details, the delivery method which will have estimated arrival date, for international orders shipping arrival date depends on the custom clearance. You can log into your account on Farry website also go to your order history to look up tracking info. 

Which shipping carriers do you use?
We use a variety of shipping carriers, including United States Postal Service, UPS, FedEx and DHL. We determine which carrier to use for your order based on a variety of factors, such as products purchased, shipping address, size/weight of the order and delivery speed selected.

Can I arrange for my own shipping provider / courier to deliver my order?
We’re sorry, as of now we can’t accommodate special shipping requests.

Do you ship internationally? 
As of now we ship to Canada.

Do you ship to APOs and MPOs?
Unfortunately, as of now we can’t, but we’re looking into how we can ship to military addresses.

My package was supposed to arrive today, but I have not received it yet. What should I do?
Packages are delivered by 8pm in your time zone daily. If it is not yet 8pm you can view your tracking information in your Order History under My Account. You can also contact the provided shipping carrier using the tracking information provided by us to find out the latest information on your order arrival status.

What if my package is returned to the sender?
To ensure that your package is properly delivered and that you receive your package within the time frames we advertise, please make sure that your address is correctly entered and includes all relevant and/or required information. Please use the correct abbreviations, street numbers, building or apartment numbers, and route information (if applicable) is critical for ensuring timely delivery. If for any reason client enters an incorrect address or missing any information on the shipping address, and the carrier was unable to deliver your order and it was returned to our manufacturing facility, please Contact us and we’ll reship your order free of charge. We will assist you the best way we can.

How will I receive my store credit? 

Once your return has been approved, expect an emailed E-Gift Card within 2-4 business days of the delivery of your Return at our fulfillment center. Store Credit is calculated automatically to reflect any discounts and taxes at the time of purchase. Store Credit is not processed the day your item is delivered. It must be sorted, inspected, and processed. ( Our return policy changed to exchange only on December 2023 )

Where do i enter my E-Store credit number?

Once you are ready to checkout, click 'Checkout with Card' once you click that option 'CHECKOUT PAGE' will appear and there will be an option 'Redeem a gift card' click that option and enter your E-Store credit number. ( Our return policy changed to exchange only on December 2023 )

What happens if I can't find my E-Store Credit Number?

Please contact our customer care ( and we will look up your e-store credit number and resend it to you. 

( Our return policy changed to exchange only on December 2023 )

How long do i have to use my E-Store Credit?

you have 1 year from the date it has been issued to you to use your e-store credit. 

( Our return policy changed to exchange only on December 2023 )

How do I initiate an exchange? 

Exchanges are limited to shipping addresses in the US. International Orders are FINAL SALE

Send us an email at specifying the eligible items you would like to Exchange.

Please note that we only offer Exchanges for the same item in a different size, if available, if we are sold out of the style or size for your exchange you can exchange style that is same amount or higher amount then the original purchase and we will send you an invoice for payment differences. Once the invoice has been paid off, we will ship the exchanged item, you will receive an email with your tracking details. Please allow 2 business days for the Exchange Request to be processed and shipped. You are only allowed an Exchange 1 Time Per Item.

What if my item is damaged or defective? 

We stand behind our products and want you to be satisfied with them! We always do our best to take care of our customers dealing with all situations fairly and responsibly! If you receive a manufacturing defects item may include all defects due to the construction, design, or material components of the garment. These are defects that are pre-existing upon purchase, although not necessarily apparent or visible yet. In short, these are issues (or defects) that are present before you even receive the product and only come to light once you begin using it. In that case we will replace it customer must contact our customer care department ( within 24 hours of receiving the manufacturing damaged item providing pictures of the damage/ defective item so we can rectify it for you right away! 

Can I exchange or return if zipper is broken or product gets damaged after I wear it few times? 

We cannot replace or return “wear & tear.”

How do I track my order?

Once your order is placed, you will receive a confirmation email. Your order will process, and when it is ready to ship, you will receive a second email with tracking information for your shipment. Please check your junk mail as well. Feel free to contact us at or on our mobile chat option through our website, if you do not receive your tracking info within 24 hours of placing order of business days. 

You may check the history of your orders + current status by logging into your FARRY account.

How can I contact shipping couriers?

We partnered with USPS/UPS as our courier. Once tracking information has been provided to you from FARRY, you can track through the carrier website or call them with the tracking information to track your order.


What are your delivery options?

- Free Standard Shipping on orders over $100 using code FREESHIP within USA on all orders. 7-8 business days. 

  Without using code standard shipping is a flat rate of $12.

- Priority Shipping 5-6 Business days.  Orders under $100 Shipping is a flat rate of $16. Orders Over $100 Shipping is a flat rate of $25.

- Express Shipping 2-4 Business days. Orders under $100 Shipping is a flat rate of $25. Orders Over $100 Shipping is a flat rate of $55. 

- Free Standard Shipping to Canada on orders over $300 using code FREESHIPCANADA. 7-8 business days. 

  Without using code standard shipping is a flat rate of $12. Orders under $300 Shipping is a flat rate of $12.

What is the processing time and how long it takes to ship out my order?

All orders process and ships within 1-2 business days unless stated otherwise in product description. Please note that all in-stock items purchased with a " pre-order" or " restocking soon" will not ship until the merchandise arrives. 'Express Shipping Orders' confirmed before 10 AM CST (Central Standard Time) will be processed same day and will be shipped on the following business day. Orders placed after 10 AM CST will be processed and shipped the following business day. Orders placed on Friday after 10:00 AM CST will be shipped on the following Monday (excluding holidays).

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